How to use your email verification data to segment email addresses

Juicy ideas for better segmentation

If you're using our services to filter sign-ups, here are some fresh ideas to squeeze every drop of juice from your data.

You can use your email validation results to segment your data and improve communications and customer experience. According to Return Path* round 80% of marketers segment their lists. And those that segment better, get better results. Simple.

On the flip side, 48% of the people in the same survey who don’t segment their data say it’s because they have data quality issues. If you're using our API you won't have ongoing email data quality issues. What you will have instead is opportunities to segment better and differently using the results from your data clean-up and ongoing checking.

Download our guide for a masterclass in email verification

Email marketing ideas to try

If you’re using our MORE API you’ll be getting dozens of datapoints to use as segmentation markers; here’s a quick tour of our ideas for you to get the most out of some key responses.

Anonymous icons of people

Find role-based email addresses  - what can you do with role based data?

  • Ban role based addresses
  • Mark them for manual checking or follow up
  • Role based email addresses tend to have lower open rates than personal emails, so send role based sign-ups sideways into a campaign to check open rates
  • Create campaigns and conversations by role type. It’s a great way to segment for onboarding.

What’s the service ID - is the email business or freemail?

What’s the service ID - is the email business or freemail?

  • Will you get different results if you’re contacting people on their personal email or a work address?
  • Are you a B2B company? Detect personal emails and start a conversation to check whether there’s any mileage in carrying on the contact.

Country ID - where are people really coming from?

Country ID - where are people really coming from?

  • Can you time campaigns for better open rates if you split your emails by location?
  • Respond in different languages
  • Send country specific product and service information
  • Exclude requests from countries you don’t ship to

Disposable email address detector

Disposable email address detector

The easiest segmentation you will ever do. Delete delete delete...

Email Hippo 'Trust Score' and 'Safe to Send Score'


Email Hippo 'Trust Score' and 'Safe to Send Score'

The Email Hippo Trust Score ranks every email to show whether we think you can or should send to it. Give it a go. Segment your data by our score. Find your comfort zone and ignore the emails that won’t give you results.

The take home is to explore the scope of our API responses and find inspiration for new ways to segment your data. Here’s the link to our data dictionary so you can find out all the data we give you about every email address. Let us know about the ways you segment data for better results. Enjoy!

*Return Path 'The State of Email Engagement' 2019


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Written by: Jo

Monday, 24 June 2019