Email validation articles from Email Hippo

How to optimise your email for mobile

Written by Adam | Feb 1, 2024 11:52:04 AM

55% of emails are opened on mobile devices around the world, so optimising your emails for mobile is no longer optional. Ensuring a seamless smartphone experience can make or break your email marketing success. Here are some practical tips to help you optimise your emails for mobile devices and boost engagement.

Responsive Design:

Ensure your emails are compatible across all devices. Responsive design allows your emails to adapt to different screen sizes, providing a consistent experience across various devices. Test your emails on different smartphones to make sure they look great on all screens.

Concise Subject Lines and Preheaders:

Mobile users quickly scan through their emails, so it's crucial to capture their attention with concise and compelling subject lines. Additionally, optimise your preheader text to provide a preview of what's inside, encouraging users to open the email.

Single-Column Layout:

Design your emails with a single-column layout to ensure easy navigation on smaller screens. This layout simplifies the user experience, allowing readers to scroll through your content effortlessly without zooming in or out.

Optimise Images and Graphics:

Compress and resize images to reduce the load time of your emails. Large files can slow down loading on mobile devices and may lead to users leaving your email.

Clear Call-to-Action (CTA):

Place your call-to-action prominently in your email. Make sure it's easily tappable and stands out on a smaller screen. Use a compelling CTA to drive engagement. Examples include ‘Uh oh, your prescription is expiring’ for a prescription service or ‘What did you think? Write a review’ for a service you have recently used. Both of these are to the point and include what the email will focus on in the subject line.

Readable Font and Font Size:

Choose a font that is easy to read on smaller screens and ensure an appropriate font size – again test the email to make sure it is readable.

Finger-Friendly Buttons:

Make sure any interactive elements, such as buttons or links, are large enough to be tapped easily. Consider the spacing between buttons to prevent accidental clicks. When testing the email make sure all buttons work and take the reader to the correct destination.

Minimise Text:

Keep your content concise and to the point. Mobile users are less likely to read lengthy paragraphs. Use short paragraphs, bullet points, and subheadings to make your content scannable.

Preview and Test:

Before sending out your email campaign, preview and test it on various screen sizes. This ensures that your emails will look great and function well, regardless of the device used by your audience.

Opt-Out Option:

Ensure that your unsubscribe link is easily accessible. Not only is this a legal requirement, but it also enhances the trust of your subscribers, knowing they can easily opt out if they choose.

By optimising your emails for mobile devices, you're not only adapting to the preferences of your audience but also maximising your chances of successful engagement. Stay responsive, keep it concise, and prioritise user experience to make your emails shine on the small screen. As mobile usage continues to soar, mastering the art of mobile email optimisation is a key ingredient for email marketing success.